Dieses Kissen-"Möbel" will ich haben, aber wo gibts das hier?
Donnerstag, August 31, 2006
Mittwoch, August 30, 2006
Uninstall einer MSI Installation geht nicht?
Windows Installer CleanUp Utility
(mit Vorsicht zu benutzen, es entfernt nur die entsprechenden Einträge aus der MSI Datenbank)
Sonntag, August 27, 2006
canon tutorials
fürs DPP (habe bisher Picase und Raw Shooter Essentials benutzt und probiere gerade Alternativen aus):
für Canon Kameras allgemein (z.B. meine 350d):
Freitag, August 25, 2006
getting things done
Here's how I define "stuff:" anything you have allowed into your psychological or physical world that doesn't belong where it is, but for which you haven't yet determined the desired outcome and the next action step. [pg. 17]
This is a really summarized version, but here it is, PowerPoint-style:
- identify all the stuff in your life that isn't in the right place (close all open loops)
- get rid of the stuff that isn't yours or you don't need right now
- create a right place that you trust and that supports your working style and values
- put your stuff in the right place, consistently
- do your stuff in a way that honors your time, your energy, and the context of any given moment
- iterate and refactor mercilessly
So, basically, you make your stuff into real, actionable items or things you can just get rid of. Everything you keep has a clear reason for being in your life at any given moment-both now and well into the future. This gives you an amazing kind of confidence that a) nothing gets lost and b) you always understand what's on or off your plate.
mehr oder minder preiswerte Fotos für kommerzielle Nutzung bei
http://www.shotshop.com/ (30 Euro pro Bild)
http://www.panthermedia.net/ (5-50 Euro pro Bild, in Abh. von Bildgröße)
Mittwoch, August 23, 2006
Dienstag, August 22, 2006
sport in rostock
http://www.stadtsportbund-rostock.de/ Gute Übersicht, scheint ganz gut gepflegt
http://www.kfas-hro.de/ (kungfu)