Samstag, März 29, 2008

Wii Spiele

Lego Star Wars Presentation, Dancing Stage Hottest Party, Guitar Hero 3

Freitag, März 28, 2008

Dienstag, März 25, 2008

Dienstag, März 18, 2008

Spruch des Tages

The consumer isn't a moron; she is your wife.

(..., ...)

Montag, März 17, 2008

Tipps für Icons 
"10 (vermeidbare) Fehler im Icon-Design"

Experimente mit der Wiimote

beeindruckende Videos:

Die Kamera macht das Bild, nicht der Fotograf

sehr schön "Your Camera Does Matter"

Enough. I can't take it any more. If I read one more time – It's not the camera, it's the photographer – I'm going to scream.
Or, instead of screaming, how about if I write an essay, which I have now done, titled Your Camera Does Matter : A Rebuttal.


[...] Inevitably someone will also quote from Saint Ansel (who in reality was quite a gear head himself).

[...] Discussing the merits of one tool over another is relevant. Some lenses, cameras and other photographic tools are better than others.

[...] One of the hoariest of the hoary cliches is that a good photographer can take a good photograph with just about any camera. Horseshit.

Montag, März 10, 2008

Gute Frage

[...] If online galleries in general are any indication, then we must live in a neon, day-glo world. [...]

So why do people care so much about technical "accuracy" in some areas and not at all in others? Isn't the look of the world itself a useful reference? Why is inaccuracy in color rendering simply a given, while a little blurring of fine detail resolution or a touch of noise in the shadows are so adamantly not tolerated?

Dienstag, März 04, 2008


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