Dienstag, Januar 30, 2018

VS Solution Explorer Item Custom Command

  1. Add entry to “External Tools”, e.g. Wscript.exe with $(ItemPath) and $(ItemDir)
    count (1-based) which entry this is.
  2. “Customize…” then
    in  “Commands”->”Context menu”
    select “Project and Solution Context Menus | Item”
    and add entry “Tools->External Command [n]”  with [n] from your external command.

Montag, Januar 29, 2018

Find the general rule

https://blog.acolyer.org/2018/01/29/the-paradigms-of-programming/ Robert Floyd:

After solving a challenging problem, I solve it again from scratch, retracing only the insight of the earlier solution. I repeat this until the solution is as clean and direct as I can hope for. Then I look for a general rule for attacking similar problems, that would have led me to approach the given problem in the most efficient way the first time. Often, such a rule is of permanent value.

Freitag, Januar 19, 2018



Immerhin habe ich von ihr gelernt, dass hinter fast jedem Konflikt ein Mangel an Wertschätzung steckt.

Donnerstag, Januar 04, 2018

Joel Test for 2017


1. Are all builds handled automatically by a Continuous Integration server?
2. Do you make and use daily builds?
3. Do you use an issue tracker?
4. Do you fix bugs before writing new code?
5. Do you have an up-to-date schedule?
6. Do you have up to date information on your products performance and usage?
7. Do you use the best tools money can buy?
8. Do you have a comprehensive test plan?
9. Do you have dedicated UI and UX designers?
10. Does all code go through code review?
11. Do you have coding standards?
12. Are new employees given training?

Suchtprävention in Island


Ob Tabak, Alkohol oder andere Drogen – nirgendwo in Europa konsumieren Jugendliche so wenig ­Suchtmittel wie in Island. Dafür gibt es einen Grund.